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Neosync is an open-source, developer-first product that allows you to create anonymized, secure test data that you can sync across all of your environments for high quality local, stage and CI testing.


AWS S3 Data Connection Configuration Guide

This document outlines the steps to configure an AWS S3 data connection, which is currently only usable as a destination.

Connection Name: Enter a unique name for this connection that you'll easily recognize. This is just a label and does not affect the connection itself.

Bucket: Input the name of your S3 bucket.

Path Prefix: Specify the path prefix of the bucket if necessary.

AWS Region: Enter the AWS region where your S3 bucket is hosted.

Custom Endpoint: If you use a custom endpoint for the AWS API, provide it here.

AWS Profile Name: Enter the AWS profile name. 'default' is used if no other profile is specified.

Access Key ID: Your AWS access key ID for programmatic access to your bucket.

AWS Secret Access Key: The secret access key that corresponds to the above access key ID.

AWS Session Token: If you are using temporary credentials, provide the session token here.

From EC2 Role: Toggle this on if you are using an IAM role with an EC2 instance to access S3.

AWS Role ARN: Specify the role ARN if you're assuming an IAM role.

AWS Role External ID: If the IAM role you're assuming requires an external ID, enter it here.

Complete the form with your AWS S3 bucket details. Ensure that all credentials are entered correctly to establish a secure connection. Use the 'Submit' button to save your configuration. Remember that this connection is currently only available for use as a destination in jobs.

Data Output Format

When data is synced to your S3 bucket using Neosync, the output will be stored in JSON arrays compressed into gz files. The files are organized in the following path structure:


Here, job_run_id is the unique identifier for the job run, schema.table represents the schema and table names from the database, and file_count is a count of the files generated.

{file_count}.txt.gz is the file containing lines of JSON objects. Files are stored as TXT instead of JSON or JSON Arrays to allow for more optimal file streaming.

This format allows Neosync CLI to easily stream records from the file line by line as opposed to downloading the entire json blob, decoding it, and then beginning record insertion.

Files is compressed using gzip to optimize storage and transfer efficiency.